Ongoing Clinical Trials

EEG Guidance of Anesthesia (ENGAGES-CANADA)

Principle Investigator: Alain Deschamps ( University of Montreal)

Funding: CIHR


Benzodiazepine-free Cardiac Anesthesia for Reduction of Postoperative Delirium (B-Free)

Principle Investigator: Jessica Spence ( DeGroot School of Medicine at McMaster University)

Funding: CIHR


SAFE PNB -Safe Analgesia For Elders receiving Peripheral Nerve Blocks for hip fracture

Principle Investigator: D. McIssac ( University of Ottawa)

Funding: CIHR

OPtimisation of Peri-operaTive CardIovascular Management to Improve Surgical outcomE II (OPTIMISE II) trial.

International Collaboration with Queen Mary University of London

Canadian Lead Investigators : S. McCluskey and D. Wijeysundera