Advancing the Science & Practice of Anesthesia

PACT is an inclusive, Canada-wide network of experts interested in perioperative research. Our aim is to advance the science and practice of anesthesia through the development, design and implementation of the highest quality research and its translation into improved health practices and outcomes. Interested? Learn how to become a PACT member.

Submitting an idea

Do you have a research idea or question that you want to put forward for feedback by PACT members? We will provide constructive feedback on rigour, relevance, methodology, ethics, feasibility and fundability of research ideas. Learn how we can help.

PACT endorsement

Research ideas and programs benefit from the peer review and continuous support as a result of consultation with PACT members with experience in questionnaire development, grant preparation, statistical expertise, clinical trials methodology, conduct of large scale clinical trials, and manuscript preparation. Learn about our responsibilities to investigators.

We are pleased to announce that the next meeting of the Perioperative Anesthesia Clinical Trials (PACT) Group will be held on Saturday March 6, 2021. This will be a virtual meeting.

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